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Unlocking the Secrets of the Hikurangi Subduction Zone public talk


Hawke’s Bay people had the opportunity to learn more about New Zealand’s largest fault, the Hikurangi subduction zone last week. 

East Coast LAB (Life at the Boundary) alongside the New Zealand Geoscience Society, GNS & NIWA hosted a public presentation at Napier War Memorial Conference Centre on Wednesday 28 November from 6 – 8pm. 

Leading scientists Dr Kate Clark, Dr Laura Wallace and Dr Dan Basset of GNS Science and Dr Alan Orpin of NIWA presented the latest scientific research into New Zealand’s largest and most active fault, that lies only 15 kilometres beneath our feet here in Napier. 

They explained what they currently know about the Hikurangi subduction zone, and the the potential it has for large earthquakes and tsunami that could impact the Hawke's Bay region. They also explained the latest work on slow slip earthquakes offshore the east coast, and discussed a number of other diverse scientific research projects currently underway. 

Kate Boersen of East Coast LAB says “It was a great opportunity for the Napier and Hastings communities to learn more about the science involved, and how we are coming to understand more and more about the risks the Hikurangi subuction zone poses.”


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