Unlocking the secrets of the Hikurangi subduction zone

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Four of the country’s leading scientists will share the latest research into New Zealand’s largest and most active fault in public talks in Wairarapa and Wellington this month.

Hosted by GNS Science, NIWA and East Coast LAB (Life at the Boundary) and supported by the Wellington Region Emergency Management Office (WREMO), scientists will present the latest findings on the Hikurangi subduction zone, slow slip events, earthquakes and tsunami, and the risk they pose to New Zealand.

Kate Boersen of East Coast LAB said people would learn about the diverse scientific research projects underway to understand the subduction zone during the hour-long talk.

The Wellington talk will take place on Wednesday, 22 May at 6.30pm at Te Papa’s Soundings Theatre and the same presentation will take place in Carterton on Thursday, 23 May at 6.30pm at the Carterton Events Centre.

“Scientists have been working tirelessly researching the Hikurangi subduction zone to seek patterns, occurrences, movements and possible clues from the past, to hopefully one day get a clearer picture of what is happening out there, and what that might mean for New Zealand,” Ms Boersen said.

Much of the research on the Hikurangi subduction zone is being undertaken under a five-year, $6 million MBIE-funded Endeavour project led by GNS Science, with major collaboration and contributions from international partners.

Project leader Dr Laura Wallace of GNS Science says that “This is a great opportunity for Wairarapa and Wellington communities to learn more about the range of science we have been doing to understand our largest plate boundary, and how we are coming to understand more and more about the risks the Hikurangi subduction zone poses.”

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